Health Success: How Chi Chi Repaired Her Gut, Lost 6 Pants Sizes, Improved Her Relationship with Food & Strengthened Her Mindset In 3 Months!

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[Struggling to reach your health goals? Interested in understanding why you are experiencing certain health challenges and what you specifically need to do to rebalance your body?  Do you want to feel & look your best with a natural approach while having accountability, support & guidance to see you through?


Chi Chi is a California resident who was on the path to improving her health. She was healthy in the sense of no major medical issues but was aware that her body was not performing the way that it should.  She was relatively happy with her health but knew something was off and and feared that further down the road something may come up.

She wanted to address her health now and not wait for the shoe to drop.  She didn't want to settle for mediocrity.  Optimizing her health was the goal so that she could avoid any major health complications down the road.

Chi Chi has struggled with her weight all of her life. She was unaware of the neglect and abuse that she was doing to her body.  Always trying new health trends, she has experienced some benefits but was looking for an option that would be the most beneficial for her.


Chi Chi was ready to make some changes in her life. She wanted to optimize her health and was searching for the best way to do this.  Though she lives in California, she was visiting in the Tri State Area, heard testimonials from our past clients which motivated her to work with us.

Chi Chi is a dancer and understands how everyone’s body is different.  The idea of receiving a personalized program really resonated with her and she was ready to get started.


The first step in working with Chi Chi was to start with a Health Assessment. The Health Assessment is an hour long consultation with Jamal where he will use his 20+ years of knowledge, experience and training in the natural health sciences & assessment tools.

The purpose of the Health Assessment is to gain clarity, understanding & insight on what you need to do in order to reach your health goals.

In order to provide Chi Chi with a customized health plan we first needed to get a better understanding of what was going on with her health.  We needed to learn about any health challenges that she may be experiencing as well as any health imbalances that she wasn't aware of. We also needed to learn about the health goals that she wanted to accomplish.

Once this was determined then Jamal created a customized plan of action for Chi Chi.

Everything was thoroughly explained to Chi Chi.  It was important that she truly understood what is going on with her health, why she was experiencing certain health imbalances and why we recommended her specific plan of action.

Based on Chi Chi's Health Assessment this was her Plan of Action.

  1. Cleanse
  2. Repair & Rebuild
  3. Maintenance


Based on Chi Chi's Health Assessment she was made aware of the imbalances that she had in her gut. She learned that 80% of your immune system is in the gut and understood how important your immune system is for overall good health.

Jamal expressed to Chi Chi that the healthy things that she was implementing was fine but her foundation was weak. It was like trying to build this beautiful house on sand.

Chi Chi started out with a 21 Day Liquid Fast. She was apprehensive at first but was ready for something different. She was excited to try but wasn’t sure if she could do it.

The 21 Day Fast scares most people mainly because the fear of not having food.  Based on her assessment it was best to give Chi Chi's body a complete break from digesting solid food.


The 21 Day Liquid Fast was a journey for Chi Chi. She learned about her unhealthy relationship with food & that it needed to be improved. Emotional eating was a common thing for her in the past. This Journey was was very emotional, she had to face her truth.

The fast was the hardest thing that she has ever done but the promise of a new day is what kept her going.

At the end of the 21 days this is what Chi Chi experienced:

  • Felt really good physically
  • Shifts in body
  • Clothes fit differently
  • Lost weight
  • Face looked slimmer
  • Lost approximately 10-15lbs
  • Went from a size 16/18 down to a size 10 (First time in her life)


In phase one Chi Chi's focus was detoxing. In phase two the focus is on repairing & rebuilding.

After the 21 Day liquid fast, Chi Chi then transitioned for the next 10 days by slowly adding foods back into her diet.

Phase 2 was a very pivotal stage for Chi Chi.

In this phase Jamal created an natural health plan geared towards strengthening Chi Chi's gut health.


The focus on phase 3 is how to make this a lifestyle.

Chi Chi Started to exercise more again and started to get more fit.

She learned how to re engage with food again & gained a better understanding of what real food is.

She developed more control and began to feel like she had a safe haven with food.

She wasn't eating her feelings (emotional eating) nor medicating herself with food anymore.

Chi Chi's thoughts became clearer & she noticed cognitive improvement. She recently changed careers and became a full time realtor so this certainly helped.

This phase is an ongoing phase for Chi Chi.  Being healthy requires making it a lifestyle and that is what this phase is all about.


During the various phases of Chi Chi's plan of action Chi Chi also received accountability, support & supervision along the way.

This is a very crucial component to achieving health success.

Also during this process Chi Chi was continually learning what she needed to learn to make this a lifestyle.

We asked Chi Chi some questions about her health journey.

What is the biggest advice you would give to someone starting out on their health journey?

Don't fear the discomfort.  It definitely was not easy. Be prepared to be uncomfortable. This is temporary but it is worth it. What lies on the other side of the discomfort is amazing.

What is the biggest advice you would give to someone struggling on their journey?

Really ask yourself how serious you are. Look at the rest of your life and see what areas aren’t working. The same challenges that you have there will probably be similar to these struggles.

What was your biggest takeaway from this whole experience?

I thought I was working with you to repair my gut and really what I was doing was repairing my life in powerful ways.


We truly love to see our clients succeed. Chi Chi plugged into our system and changed her life. We are grateful that she trusted our guidance and put in the necessary work to reach her health goals.

You can reach your health goals as well. If you are ready to put the necessary work in to reach your health goals, if you would like the education, accountability & support along the way then our Health Assessment is the starting point.

More To Explore

Ready to Get Started?

free audio masterclass

5 Health Myths That Could Be Killing Your Gut

Discover 5 health myths that could damage your gut health instead of improving it. We’re providing you with the same misconceptions we discuss with our clients, and you’re receiving them entirely for free!

As an added bonus, we will also provide alternatives to these health myths. This way, you can enhance your gut health and experience an overall improvement in your well-being.

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Holistic & Natural Healthcare Practitioners

We’re your holistic partners in personalized wellness. Our experienced team uses nutrition counseling, naturopathic medicine, and alternative therapies to address your unique health needs. Schedule a consultation today and embark on your journey to a healthier you.


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